
Diagram of hearing shown on a person's profile

5 Common Ear Problems

Ear problems can be a huge source of discomfort for an individual. If you are feeling irritation or pain in your ear or experiencing hearing loss, it could be the result of a variety of ear problems. It is best to treat your ear concern as soon as you can to minimize any negative...

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Woman getting her ear looked at by a doctor.

Your Hearing Health

At Texas ENT we want to bring awareness and create a culture shift around the ways we think about hearing loss. Read on to understand how you can take control of your hearing health.As National Better Hearing Month comes to a close, at Texas ENT Specialists we want to remind yo...

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PROPEL Case Study With Dr. Agbetoba

Texas ENT is proud to congratulate Dr. Abib Agbetoba and his recent completion of a case study with the PROPEL sinus implant to help patients who suffer from chronic rhinosinusitis. Dr. Agbetoba is a fellowship-trained rhinologist and skull base surgeon in Houston, TX. His...

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Various food options, including fish, bread, milk and fruits

Could You Have a Food Allergy?

*NOTE - we no longer offer food and drug allergy testing at any of our facilities. We do Environmental Allergies Testing only.Food allergies can be tricky. Some people know the foods that trigger a reaction because their symptoms happen immediately, while others may not react fo...

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Man in pain holding his ear.

Why Is There Fluid in My Ear?

Anyone could experience fluid in the ear. This symptom is the result of some type of dysfunction of the eustachian tube. The tube extends from the middle ear to the upper throat behind the nose. The symptoms of fluid in the ear can range from minor discomfort to very severe pain...

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Woman with CPAP machine

Who Treats Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that can have an enormous impact on your quality of life. The symptoms of the condition can include loud snoring, breathing that stops and starts, and the inability to get healthy, restorative sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may f...

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an image of a doctor doing an ear exam on a young child

When Should I See a Pediatric ENT?

Ear, nose, and throat disorders are among the primary reasons children need to see a doctor. As most parents know, children can get sick fairly often. When does your child need specialist care, beyond a pediatrician? If your child has any of the following symptoms, it could mean...

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Doctor consulting a patient

When Should I See a Doctor for Acid Reflux?

When acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, it causes a condition known as acid reflux. This typically occurs when the sphincter (valve) that keeps stomach acid from entering the esophagus is not working properly. The most common acid reflux symptoms are burning in th...

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a woman peacefully sleeping in bed

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

How To Tell If You May Have Sleep ApneaAre you concerned that you may have sleep apnea? Knowing the symptoms can help you decide whether you should be treated for the disorder. Sleep apnea comes with an array of symptoms, and every person is different. The symptoms include: ...

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Sleeping man in blue shirt

Living with Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition in which breathing pauses repeatedly while sleeping. When breathing stops, the person wakes up, typically with a loud snort, and then the breathing resumes. Symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring at night and sleepiness during th...

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