
Common Questions About Earwax Answered
Some of the most frequent questions I am asked by patients are about earwax. Also called cerumen, it can build up to form a plug in the ear canal and cause hearing problems until it is removed. This excessive earwax accumulation, or cerumen impaction, is a problem that affects ma...
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Do You Have Sleep Apnea?
Sleep is essential, but many people wake up in the morning feeling like they didn't get a good night’s rest. Does your bedmate complain about your loud snoring, episodes in which you stop breathing, or moments when you gasp for air during sleep? Do you often wake up w...
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Protect Yourself From Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
It's summertime and the tail-end of a pandemic. Finally, the world is slowly getting back to normal, and people are ready to let loose. If your summer plans involve parties, concerts, fireworks, or any boisterous revelry, be aware of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)...
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Do Summer Allergies Exist?
How Best to Avoid Allergies This SummerSummer is here, which means swimming pools, camp, BBQs, and outdoor festivals. Now that spring is behind us, that means no more allergies, right? Wrong!We associate allergy season with spring and fall, but summer is when grass blooms. If y...
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Stay Healthy During Summer Air Travel
Summer is here, and people are ready to travel! After a year of staying in, this summer may be one of the most traveled to date. Most of us are out of practice when flying the friendly skies, and some of us may be nervous about it. Here's how you can stay safe and healthy w...
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How to Recognize and Deal With Swimmer’s Ear
Swimming season is upon us. There is nothing quite like dipping into a refreshing pool on a long hot day. Unfortunately, some of us are prone to swimmer's ear, putting a damper on summer fun.What is Swimmer’s Ear?Swimmer’s ear is an infection that is caused by...
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Twenty-First Century Hearing Aids
Is it time to get a hearing aid, but you're feeling hesitant? For many Americans, the stigma attached to hearing loss and hearing aids prevents them from taking the next step, but hearing loss isn’t just about missing out on conversations. Evidence shows that loss of...
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How to Protect Your Hearing
Have you heard the news? May is Better Hearing Month. Perhaps thinking about your hearing health is not something you do daily, but we don't realize what we have until it’s gone. Here are some proactive ways you can preserve your hearing: Protect your ears...
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How Allergies Affect Your Skin
Allergy season is a challenging time for many of us. Spring brings warmer weather, but it also harbors itchy eyes, sneezing, runny noses, rashes, etc. Unfortunately, allergy season can also throw a wrench into another area of our lives.Our skin and complexions can suffer from se...
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Kids and Seasonal Allergies
If you're a parent, you know how debilitating it can feel when your child suffers. Kids who deal with irritating and painful allergy symptoms are just as uncomfortable as their adult counterparts. Although food allergies can happen to babies, it is uncommon for infant...
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