
Should You Get Sinus Surgery?
Corinna Rios is not a native Texan, and when she moved from North Carolina, she started to experience a lot of allergy-related issues that turned into sinus issues. Perhaps it's ironic that she’s a Texas ENT employee, but it allowed her to be on the front lines of wha...
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Is It a Cold, the Flu, Allergies, or COVID-19?
Originally posted on WebMDby Stephanie WatsonIn the past, a cough or sore throat would have been a pretty obvious sign that you'd caught a cold or the flu. During this year’s cold and flu season, you also have to wonder whether you have COVID-19. It’s an impor...
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Should You Consider an At-Home Sleep Study?
Originally posted on Hackensack Meridian HealthBy: Katie WoehnkerSleep disturbances are quite common, especially when dealing with high-anxiety situations like the coronavirus pandemic, however, is it more than stress?Sleep apnea affects about one in four people in the United...
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How to Get the COVID Vaccination
The COVID-19 vaccination rollout has begun! Some Americans have already received the vaccine, while many others patiently await their turn. You may be wondering to yourself, “But how do I get immunized for Coronavirus?”Unfortunately, Texas ENT will not be offering th...
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Drinks, Screens, and Sleep
I have a dear friend - let's call him Miguel – who rarely catches a good night’s sleep. Initially, he is unable to fall asleep at a decent time, and once he does, he often wakes up in the middle of the night. When he finally dozes off, it’s time to w...
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Your New Year’s ENT Resolution List
Health Resolutions to Have This New YearsNew Year, New YOU. We've made an easy 2021 ENT resolution list to keep you healthy this upcoming year.It’s that time of year again! Time for you to make your New Year’s resolutions. Feel free to include the usual: lose...
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Earwax & Ear Health: 3 Reasons to Put That Q-Tip Down
Originally posted on Houstonmethodist.org by Katie McCullum.For the sake of our ear health, it's time to talk about those Q-Tips that so many of us shove into our ears every day under the guise of personal hygiene.Once you start this oddly satisfying little habit, it&rsqu...
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The Modern Day Earache
Here are the signs and what you can do about it.Have you noticed that remote work is wreaking havoc on your ear health? When the quarantine hit, we were warned about a few challenges that may follow: depression, isolation, boredom, a shortage of toilet paper. I was prepare...
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If your food smells like this, you might have COVID-19
Originally posted on bgr.com by Chris Smith.The only way to tell COVID-19 apart from the flu or a cold with certainty is to take a coronavirus test. That's because most of the symptoms from a novel coronavirus infection are also encountered in other illnesses, even the mor...
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10 Ways to Sleep Better All Winter Long
Originally posted on Health.com by Amanda MacMillan.Getting a good night's sleep in the middle of winter may seem like it should be no problem. After all, it’s the season of long nights, cozy blankets, hibernation, and snuggling up by the fire. But for all the same r...
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