
A Productive and Healthy Quarantined Holiday

The holiday season is upon us. With temperatures dropping and a stubborn pandemic, how can we utilize the time inside to our advantage regarding health and wellness? We've got you covered. Here are a few suggestions on how you can stay happy, healthy, and sane during our fi...

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Younger woman in a yellow sweater, having allergy problems

Flu virus’ best friend: low humidity

By Ziba KashefYale researchers have pinpointed a key reason why people are more likely to get sick and even die from flu during winter months: low humidity.While experts know that cold temperatures and low humidity promote transmission of the flu virus, less is understood abou...

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an image of a young girl yawning on the top of a boat

Non-Snorers Need Love Too

Snoring indeed harms the snorer's health, but what about the non-snorer? I’ve always felt that snoring was a cruel joke to those of us who don’t snore. It can be a household affliction. What is a non-snorer supposed to do with a loud loved one?The truth is, the...

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an image of a woman falling asleep with her phone beside her

11 Sleep Mistakes You’re Probably Making — and How to Fix Them

Are You Getting Good Sleep?Many health conscious folks have a strong awareness and commitment to the relationships between nutrition, exercise and health, but what we often overlook is sleep! Without proper sleep, all those efforts may be getting thwarted and you may not even kn...

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a doctor checking a patients heartbeat

Preventative Care to Office Care

We're approaching month 9 of the coronavirus pandemic, and you haven’t seen a doctor the whole time. Perhaps you’re thinking, “I’m always inside. What’s the point?” Or maybe you’ve used your free time to study up on at-home remedies...

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Can nasal surgery help improve taste and smell?

Author: Alexander Farag, MDIf you're suffering with sniffling, sneezing and congestion, it’s not unusual to temporarily lose your sense of taste and smell. And generally, once you’re feeling better, your ability to taste and smell returns to normal.But for som...

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A COVID Halloween

This year's Halloween was supposed to be the best of the best. How often do we get to enjoy this spooky night of revelry on a Saturday? Then COVID reared its ugly little head. Another forced celebration away from the masses. But do not fret. We have some fun alternati...

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Putting off medical care — and the consequences

Americans are putting off medical care due to coronavirus fears — but there have been consequencesOriginal Article By Meera JagannathanThe global public-health emergency has forced many Americans to put their own health care on the back burner, a new survey suggests.Almo...

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Denying the Doctor Visit

A few years ago, I was watching a documentary (I've forgotten the title), and a young girl said about something, “I don’t like to think about that.” My psychotherapist friend blurted out loud, “That’s called denial, sweetie.” It made me l...

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A dilemma for ‘long-haulers’: Many can’t prove they ever had Covid-19

As the coronavirus pandemic rolls on, an unknown number of seemingly recovered patients are experiencing what is being called post-Covid syndrome — weeks or months of profound fatigue, fevers, problems with concentration and memory, dizzy spells, hair loss, and many other t...

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