
You May Have Sleep Apnea If…
It's not just snoring.See the other risk factors that could indicate you suffer from sleep apnea.If you’re a regular, you may recall my father’s journey with the sleep monitoring app, WatchPat. He thought he was doing me a favor, but in the end, my dad found o...
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Self-Confidence During a Pandemic
If you're working remotely, this is probably the most time you’ve ever spent looking at yourself. I spend 4-5 hours a day staring at myself via Zoom. I have picked apart my hairstyle, makeup application, lighting, clothing, and how I hold my head. (Revelation: Don&rsq...
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Too Young for Hearing Loss?
I'm a Gen Xer; therefore, most of my friends are also Gen Xers. We’re no spring chickens, but we’re also not on Medicare yet. Sure, our eyes don’t work as well as they used to, and our metabolisms have slowed down for quite some time, but for the most part...
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Hearing Loss Linked to Dementia
by Katherine Griffin, Katherine Bouton, AARPIt really doesn't seem fair: Hearing loss, a troublesome fact of life for more than 48 million Americans, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America, may increase the risk of cognitive problems and even dementia. By the...
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Should You Try Sleep Monitoring
If there is one thing my family loves to do, it's sleep. We’re a family of resters, so if anything gets in between us and our precious downtime, we want answers.Members of my family, me included, have suffered from a few nighttime ailments: snoring, insomnia, waking...
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Can Your CPAP Mask Make You Sick?
Originally posted on VeryWell by Brandon Peters, MDWhen you're just starting to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to treat sleep apnea, it’s common to worry about the risk of infection from the device. There is a potential risk of infection, in...
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Get Zoom Ready
Remember when we used to get up in the morning, jump in the shower, guzzle down a cup of coffee, rush out the door, and then deal with real 3D people? Yeah, me neither. But we did it. Also, try to remember what it was like to interact with others without having to stare back at y...
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How to Find Gratitude During a Pandemic Holiday Season
Here we are - our first official quarantined holiday season. It's easy to sit back and rattle off why this year is so much more complicated than holidays of years gone by, but what would that do? Just cause more stress and negativity, in our opinion. This year, take t...
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Quarantine 15? What to Do About Weight Gain During the Pandemic
Originally published on Yale Medicine by Kathy KatellaIt's easy to see how you might gain weight during the pandemic, especially if you are spending most of your time at home. Comfort food recipes have been trending on Google. (There is so much baking going on, supermarket...
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Facial Procedures and Pandemics
We're well aware of all of the things we shouldn’t do during a pandemic, and quite frankly, we’re over the negativity. Let’s talk about things we can do like plant a garden, buy new bedding, deep clean the carpet, and facial plastics! You read that r...
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