
Woman Sitting Outside

Denying the Doctor Visit

A few years ago, I was watching a documentary (I've forgotten the title), and a young girl said about something, “I don’t like to think about that.” My psychotherapist friend blurted out loud, “That’s called denial, sweetie.” It made me l...

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Woman Laying in a Field

A dilemma for ‘long-haulers’: Many can’t prove they ever had Covid-19

As the coronavirus pandemic rolls on, an unknown number of seemingly recovered patients are experiencing what is being called post-Covid syndrome — weeks or months of profound fatigue, fevers, problems with concentration and memory, dizzy spells, hair loss, and many other t...

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a close up of a desk with a notebook, glasses and laptop

2020 Insurance Deductible Resets and You

It's October, which means Halloween is around the corner, Thanksgiving menus are being planned, and some of us are checking our Christmas lists twice. Next thing you know, it will be 2021. A new year sounds pretty good right about now, but don’t forget about 202...

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Woman coughing into her hand

If You Frequently Cough After Eating, You May Want to Talk to Your Doctor

We all have moments when something we're eating or drinking goes down the “wrong pipe,” throwing us into a coughing fit. “Swallowing food, even liquids or our own saliva, is a very, very complex process, and at every step of that process — and there...

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a doctor walking to two patients with mask in a hospital lobby

Doctor’s Appointments During COVID

The COVID pandemic has enabled excuses to get out of responsibilities like never before. No more pressure to see distant family members, get-togethers with tedious small talk are now a thing of the past, and nobody expects anyone to drive across town for anything these days. But...

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an image still of a man in a blue button town

Sinus Polyp Relief, without Surgery

If you suffer from painful and aggressive nasal polyp growth, watch this video to learn about a nonsurgical option that can give you sinus relief for good. Go to www.sinuva.com for more information...

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an image of a woman meditating in bed

Stress in the Age of Lockdown September 26, 2020

Who knew that eliminating most of our daily distractions would result in so much stress? Most of us no longer have a morning/afternoon commute and those that do encounter less traffic. Work wardrobes are obsolete. We're saving money on entertainment and gas. The world is en...

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Awake and frustrated woman next to man deeply sleeping next to her.

Dealing With A Snorer

Being stuck at home with family and housemates can be a huge drag. Little annoyances can turn into blowouts faster than usual. Our patience is wearing thin, and who can blame us? Are humans supposed to be in such close quarters with the same people day-in and day-out? Even our ea...

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a doctor and patient during a consultation

COVID Long-Haulers Program

Welcome to our COVID Long Haulers Program!COVID side effects are no joke. The fatigue, painful cough, loss of smell/taste, brain fog, and so much more are just a few symptoms that people experience with the virus. What we've come to find out, however, is that those symptom...

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Woman in bed frustrated and trying to sleep next to man sleeping soundly.

Welcome to Express Sleep

Do you wake up tired after a full night's sleep? Does your bedmate complain about your noisy sleeping habits? Do you suffer from bouts of insomnia, nightmares, and snoring? If so, it’s time to figure out what’s happening while you’re sawing the Zs.Welcome...

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