5 Little-Known Facts about Allergies

Allergies. For those of us who suffer from them, just the word is a reminder of the pain, the itchy eyes, the stuffy and runny nose, the sneezing, and the looks that people give you when you sniffle and sneeze like you are contagious. But even those who suffer from allergies don’t know everything about them. So here are a few lesser-known facts about allergies.

  • Allergies are a lot more common than you thought! Statistically, one person in five (20%) in the United States have at least one allergy or asthma symptom. That is, of course, only those reported. There could be many more out there that do not even realize what they are feeling is a symptom of allergies.
  • While we usually hear about people being allergic to animals (specifically dogs and cats), very few people know that dogs and cats can be allergic to us, or specifically to human dander. Crazy right? Even crazier? People can be allergic to each other. So that person who always makes you sneeze whenever they’re around? Maybe you really are allergic to them!
  • Rain really does wash away pollen. Soggy, cooler days are the best for allergy sufferers, at least as far as allergy symptoms are concerned. And did you know that there is actually a time of day in which allergens (pollens in particular) and therefore allergy symptoms are worst? Well, there is! It’s from around 10:00am to 4:00pm! So allergy sufferers beware of warm sunny days between ten and four!
  • Did you know that you can develop allergies at any time throughout your life? And that you can become allergic to something to which you had no reaction to earlier in life? All true. So if you notice strange reactions to food or begin to experience hay fever when you never have before, you’re not going crazy! You’re just developing allergies. Welcome to the club!
  • What are known as allergic diseases are the fifth most common chronic disease across all ages However, in children, it is the third most common. And, in case you didn’t know, children’s food allergies are on the rise. It is estimated that approximately 2 children in every classroom suffer from food allergies.

Allergy season can be rough, but now you all know a little bit more about them. Just remember that allergies are very common and can develop at any time! And when you feel alone in your allergy suffering, just remember even Fido might have allergies!

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