
What Is Ear Pain a Symptom Of?
Ear pain can show up suddenly and for no clear reason, which can make it a very frustrating type of pain to experience. Although earaches are especially common in children, they occur regularly in adults as well. But, if you have an idea of why your ear is hurting, you'll b...
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5 Common Ear Problems
Ear problems can be a huge source of discomfort for an individual. If you are feeling irritation or pain in your ear or experiencing hearing loss, it could be the result of a variety of ear problems. It is best to treat your ear concern as soon as you can to minimize any negative...
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Why Is There Fluid in My Ear?
Anyone could experience fluid in the ear. This symptom is the result of some type of dysfunction of the eustachian tube. The tube extends from the middle ear to the upper throat behind the nose. The symptoms of fluid in the ear can range from minor discomfort to very severe pain...
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How to Treat Clogged Ears
Factors both inside and outside of the ears can cause them to become clogged. When the ears are clogged, it can cause pain and discomfort and affect hearing and balance. Call your ENT doctor if you experience severe symptoms with clogged ears, or if symptoms persist for more than...
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Common Questions About Earwax Answered
Some of the most frequent questions I am asked by patients are about earwax. Also called cerumen, it can build up to form a plug in the ear canal and cause hearing problems until it is removed. This excessive earwax accumulation, or cerumen impaction, is a problem that affects ma...
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How to Recognize and Deal With Swimmer’s Ear
Swimming season is upon us. There is nothing quite like dipping into a refreshing pool on a long hot day. Unfortunately, some of us are prone to swimmer's ear, putting a damper on summer fun. What is Swimmer’s Ear? Swimmer’s ear is an infection that is caused by...
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