You can get the gold-standard of comprehensive ear, nose, and throat care right here in Humble, TX at Texas ENT Specialists. If you’re struggling with hearing loss and considering hearing aids for the first time, or if your current hearing aids aren’t working as well as they used to, you can count on our team of hearing aid doctors to lead you toward a customized hearing loss solution.
Programming: Your audiologist first uses software developed by the hearing aid manufacturer to perform a hearing test. Your hearing aid doctor precisely sets up, programs, and adjusts your hearing aids using the results of this testing to make sure that you will hear clearly and well in many different listening situations.
Measurement: After programming your hearing aids, your doctor will check their work by measuring the performance of your hearing aids in order to maximize effectiveness and comfort. To accomplish this, the doctor will use a testing process called Real Ear Measurement (REM).
Education: Ideally, your hearing aids will help you maintain your busy lifestyle for years and years to come – but that will require regular care and maintenance. Your hearing aid doctor will teach you about maintaining your device, answer your questions, and help set you up for continued success with your new hearing aids.